Sunday, 18 September 2011

Spread love, not hate.

There are many ways to ezpress to some one how much you love them.  On of the most romantic ways is to publically show your love, if in doing so you break laws and risk imprissonment... then it becomes even more romantic. The dedacation it takes to profess your love in spray paint on someones property is perhaps one of the most romantic things yet. Which is why i love seeing romantic graffite, in the other direction when i see hatefull grafitti it makes me just as upseat. The fact that someone would go to all the truble to sen a negative message in such a public and permaniate way is absolutly devastating. Which is why imm calling on every one to spread the message, to spread the love and not the hate. Basically if you want to make a public statement it sounld at least be about somthing wholey and beautiful, like love.

Some lovley graffiti that is absolutly so romntic and makes my heart totally melt.

Personally i think these mesaages are so beautiful that they sould basically be legal, because they make our world a more love and beauty filled place. 

And some horrible messages of hate that absolutly make me sick

(I dont know who they think they are but love is NOT a joke and should NOT be mocked. disqusting)

(this is just straight up discoraging)

(Slefish people who take love for granted should be exiled to another planet, or treated with john huges movies and disney princesses)

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